02 fevereiro 2012

where trance comes from... the five senses....

you are blind when you are in the
womb. your nose is blocked. your
mouth closed, your taste buds too new
to taste. you are floating weightless
in a bubble of umbilical fluid so you
can feel nothing. the only sense you
have left... is sound.

what do you think the first sound
that you heard was. Your mother's
heartbeat? Your father's deep
vibrating voice? all the grunts
and squiggles that a body makes as
it moves and breathes and digests
around you...

all the noises of a body and a
voice and a soft muffled sound that is the world.
think of a stillness... then think of a
vibration... all through your body
as if you heart has only just started beating
for the first time... feel the
blood filling you... feel a deep rumbling
sound stirring your tiny body...
feel it move for the first time...

now think of a beat... just a beat..
thump thump thump in your ear... like a
beating heart... like blood rushing through veins
as you float in a dark
silence... feeling nothing but slight vibrations
through your body. now
think of the sound of someone breathing right
above you... someone big and
comforting... someone who you are living inside of...
hear the air rush in and rush out in a rhythm
synched with the beating heart.

now imagine all the squiggles and the jiggles
of a body coming together with this rhythm.
each movement and crack of a joint, each bubble
and secretion, each sigh and moan and scratch.
everything synched together... held together
by the the threads of life....

now imagine yourself... now... here... in your
body that has been born and has grown strong.
imagine yourself standing in a dark room...
and you can see people around you. and you can
smell them. and you can taste the air.

and you can feel their skin touching your skin....

now think of a beat...

(ever wonder where trance comes from)

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