20 novembro 2012

A Prayer for Healing


Mother, sing me a song
That will ease my pain,
Mend broken bones,
Bring wholeness again.

Catch my babies
When they are born,
Sing my death song,
Teach me how to mourn.

Show me the Medicine
Of the healing herbs,
The value of spirit,
The way I can serve.

Mother, heal my heart
So that I can see
The gifts of yours
That can live through me.

SOULstice 2012 ♥

SOULstice 2012 ♥ in the language of Light and Sacred Geometry ♥

13 novembro 2012

Ciclo Corpo-Terra-Lua

Com Maria Magdalena, trilhamos o caminho do Coração ♥
Venham Circular connosco no proximo Sádado dia 17,
no Espaço AmanheSer. em Paço de Arcos.
* Meditação: 11-12.30h * Círculo: 15.30-19.30h *
Sejam Bem-Vindas!


SNAKE POWER ANIMAL [This is my power animal]
By Ina Woolcott

As Snake sheds its skin so we can shed our illusions and limitations. Then we are able to use our vitality and desires to achieve wholeness.

Snakes deserve respect. Throughout history the snakes have had many legends surrounding them, linking them to creation, fertility and transformation. Nowhere are the differences between cultures and religions more sharply emphasized than in their attitudes towards Snake, differences which will also uncover different vistas on elementary aspects of being alive.

On one level, the differences relate to sexuality. We see the snake enticing Eve in the Garden of Eden, being symbolized as Vinata the Indian goddess, or shown as the legs of Cernunnos the Celtic fertility god. In Hinduism, kundalini, or serpent fire, is coiled at the base of the spine. As we mature emotionally and spiritually, the energy rises, stimulating the chakras, which are emotional, mental, and spiritual energy centres. This is also shown in the worldwide symbol of the spiral. This flow of energy is indispensable for good health, and the Greeks, in their own understanding of this, used the snake as a symbol of healing and wisdom.

In Israel the snake was regarded as the earth mother and played a role in fertility. In Egypt the cobra was known for its ability to expand the upper neck into a disc shape by spreading its ribs, symbolizing immortality. Snake was also considered to represent inner vision. Christian lore sees the snake rising from the chalice of St. John, wound around a cross sometimes portrayed with a woman's head to depict lust and temptation.

For time immemorial people have associated Snake with both male and female aspects of sexuality. In religions where sexuality, in both its physical and spiritual aspects is celebrated, Snake has been held with honour. More repressive belief systems have linked snake to evil.

The Celts sometimes called the Druids, leaders and teachers in poetry, music, the law, spiritual wisdom, and healing, adders. Sadly, the more stiff practitioners of the Judeo-Christianism seemed to fear wisdom. When St. Patrick bragged that he had driven all of the snakes out of Ireland, he meant the Druids. The apple the snake gave Eve was from the Tree of Knowledge.

This is just a start to the contradictory attitudes towards Snake. The snake also represents aliveness, as expressed in sensuality - in this case meaning feeling and responding to stimuli, and more generally, to the flow of energy which creates us and makes us alive.

When snakes shed their skin, they metamorphose into a new being. This is very significant to those with snake as power animal, symbolising our ability to shed beliefs and habits which we have outgrown, moving into higher spiritual energy. The ability to do this is wisdom.

The shedding of the skin is also associated with astral travel and out of body experiences. The eyes of a snake are always open and are protected by immobile transparent scales. Before shedding their skin the snakes markings become obscure and the eyes appear opaque or blue, giving them a trance like appearance as if they are looking right through you. Learning how to see into the hearts of others is part of what we are taught by snake.

On the deepest level Snake's skin shedding symbolizes death and rebirth, an idea which is depicted by the image of a snake swallowing its own tail, a symbol of eternity. The Snakes medicine is not to be treated lightly. Its meaning touches on the deepest mysteries in life. If you are ready to shed your own skin, Snake is ready and waiting to guide you through the spiral path of transformation. On a material level snake is vitality, on an emotional level ambition and dreams, on a mental level intellect and power, and on the highest level, the spiritual level wisdom, understanding and wholeness.

Snakes / serpent's power includes - Being the messenger of the Rainbow Serpent, wisdom, healing, initiation, elusiveness, manipulation of lightning, transmutation, exploration of the mysteries of life, primitive or elemental energy, protection from religious persecution, goddess energy, psychic energy, creative power, immortality and the connection to, or forming, the magic cord by which the shaman travels to the soul world. Snake medicine is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, that all is one.

Snake is a powerful animal guide, a symbol of transformation and healing. The snake is wisdom expressed through healing. This is a protector and guardian. If snake has come into your life, your creative forces are awakening. Your intuition will strengthen and be more accurate.

When on the move snakes make no noise whatsoever. They are invisible when resting and are unable to produce their own body heat, often to be seen lying in the sun. The suns warmth together with their behavior regulates their body temperature. They don’t rely on the energy of food to generate body heat and can survive on scanty diets for long periods of time. Those with snake as power animal need very little food for energy. They are usually cold, with body temperatures below average, and prefer warmer climates.

Snakes do not have eardrums nor external ear openings. Instead they have small bones in the head that conduct sound. They can hear low frequency sounds and sense vibrations that travel through the earth. This links them to the underworld where secrets are kept.

The snake depicts healing on a cellular level. With their lightweight and flexible bodies they possess extremely fast and agile. If snake enters your life, expect swift changes to sweep through your life. These changes denote death of the old and a birth into untapped power, creativity and wisdom. Snake is very powerful to have to have as a guide. It is the guardian of sacred places and the keeper of concealed knowledge.

[Information from http://www.shamanicjourney.com/


“Soul mates are brought together for a reason. All their lives they have been preparing for each other. When they look back at their lives they will see a new purpose to actions they have taken. Their lives take on a sense of oneness equalled by no other. Oneness of purpose, ambition, and love which can be a beacon to others along their spiritual paths.”
~Edgar Cayce


“I acknowledge the Divine in You, as I see and acknowledge the Divine within Me. For Relationship provides a window into myself to heal and return to wholeness.”

land of darkness

A woman has a more natural instinct to go to the darkness... to the land of dreams and intuition... she will usually be more fearful than a man... because of her natural disposition to go to the obscure... or what is hidden... to the subconscious... to the world of spirits... she embodies the yin energy...

A woman afraid of her nature will be afraid of the night... when a woman faces her most darkness... the fear will come yes... then the compassion... when she stops trying to change what is... and this will happen at one point no matter what... because there is nothing anyone can do wrong... the love in herself will start to overflow... a light from within will start to shine... and this will just happen no matter what...
We are all opening to the feminine... for this we are all experiencing our woman side...

I AM...

When the Earth is ravaged, and the animals are dying..
A new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colors..classes..and creeds..and who by their actions and deeds..shall make the Earth green again!
They will be known as the Warriors of The Rainbow ~♥~


"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."

~ Ecclesiasties Chapter 3

Espiralando! ♥


"If you change an atom in fractal reality then the whole hologram or reality changes!" ♥

...embrace and surrender...

"As I completely embrace the feminine within me, I surrender and receive the masculine in his entirety."

~ Sidonie Bouchet


"Men are terrified of a woman's depth of love and the energy that moves as a woman's sexuality and emotions. And, at the same time, men want nothing more in this life than to merge completely with a woman's devotional love and wild energy. Only as a man outgrows his fear can he handle a woman's tremendous love-energy without running. And only such a man is worthy of your devotional offering in a committed intimacy." ♥
~ David Deida

I AM...



"Shakti is the quality within that allows us to break through old patterns that keep our energy from flowing and manifesting new visions and creating our heart’s desires. This can feel dangerous, risky, radical ... but without facing this danger, without going to the edge of your experience and beyond, you can never become who you truly are. You have to dive into the deep unknown to know who you are."

~ Padma Prakasha

Oração à Deusa / Oração da Bruxa

Eu sou a Deusa, eu sou a bruxa
Eu sou aquela que ilumina e protege
O poder da Grande Mãe está dentro de mim
Que a Grande Mãe,
a Senhora do Norte,
encha de frutos a árvore da minha vida
Grande Deusa que habita dentro de mim, Santifica cada palavra minha e cada ato meu
Afasta cada sombra de minha vida
Ilumina todas as minhas estações
Torna-me forte na dor!
Torna-me bela no amor
Que teu nome e teu poder
sejam o meu nome e o meu poder
Assim sempre foi, assim sempre será.

~ Lilian Amaral GreenWitch

Spiritual partnership

For thousands of years couples have made countless promises in the heat of passion to remain together for a lifetime. Such vows are often impossible to honor. Why?

Because most individuals enter into relationships for the wrong reasons that eventually weaken rather than strengthen the union.

The result of it all is that the old way of being in love is slowly coming to an end. At the same time a new and wonderful idea is emerging that will usher in an incredible age and way to partner with another that is based upon unconditional love and a true sense of the sacred in that blessed coupling.

In short, it's time to put aside the traditional concepts of relationship and seriously consider the notion of a cosmic, spiritual partnership that will transcend those of the past. Not only is this new concept beginning to take hold and flourish, in the end it is going to prevail. And it's going to prevail because ego will have no place in such a union.

Spiritual partnership is based upon equality, balance between the male and female energies, the freedom and the strength to be one's self while taking responsibility for one's actions, sacred sexuality, open and truthful communication without fear of ridicule, honoring and respecting the other's strengths and weaknesses, and the genuine recognition that your partner is truly your most intimate and all-embracing friend.

Artist: Android Jones
By: Be A Part Of The Shift 2012

17 outubro 2012


'Espiralar-Te' na Lua Cheia de Outubro:

- Quinta 25 (21/24h) - Centro Yantra, Porto - 'Espiralar-Te em Amor'

No Centro Yantra o 'Espiralar-te' propõe uma espiral de Amor, em que nos inundamos de energia, nos nutrimos umas às outras e semeamos intenções, expandindo a consciência do corpo, da sexualidade e das emoções.

- Sexta 26 (21/24h) - Espaço Compasso, Porto - 'Espiralar-Te em Ti'

.No Espaço Compasso o 'Espiralar-te' propõe uma espiral de Foco e Intenção. Numa viajem ao nosso centro feminino, conectamo-nos com a poderosa energia da Lua, fluindo com as nossas emoções, experienciando desbloqueios energéticos e preparando o solo/corpo/alma/EU para receber novas sementes.

29 setembro 2012

A mulher e o lobo

 Uma mulher saudável é muito parecida com um lobo, grande força de vida, doação de vida, ciente de seu território, intuitiva e leal. Porém, a separação de sua natureza selvagem faz com que uma mulher torne-se escassa, ansiosa, e temerosa.

 A natureza selvagem contém a medicina para todas as coisas. Ela transporta estórias, sonhos, palavras e canções. Ela carrega tudoque uma mulher precisa ser e saber. Ela é a essência da alma feminina...

 Com a natureza selvagem como aliada e professora, nós não vemos apenas com através de nossos olhos, mas através dos muitos olhos da intuição. Com a intuição nós somos como uma noite estrelada, nós observamos o mundo através de milhares de olhos.

 Isto não significa perder as socializações básicas de uma pessoa. Isto significa totalmente o oposto. A natureza selvagem tem uma integridade vasta com ela. Significa etabelecer território, encontrar o grupo de uma pessoa, estar em um corpo com certeza e orgulho, falar e agir a favor de si mesma, estar consciente, extrair os poderes naturais da intuição feminina e elevar-se com dignidade, proceder como um ser poderoso que é amistoso, mas nunca domesticado.

 A mulher selvagem é aquela que troveja na face da injustiça. Ela é aquela pela qual nós abandonamos o lar para procurar e aquela pela qual nós retornamos ao lar. Ela é intuição, consegue ver longe, ouvir profundo, e ela tem um coração leal.

 Ela deve vagar pelas antigas sendas, defender seu conhecimento instintivo, orgulhosamente ostentar as cicatrizes de batalha de sua época, escrever seus segredos em paredes, recusar ser envergonhada, liderar o caminho, ser astuta e usar sua perspicácia feminina.

 Onde podemos encontrá-la? Ela caminha nos desertos, cidades, florestas, oceanos, e na montanha da solidão. Ela mora nas mulheres em todos os lugares: em castelos com rainhas, nos escritórios e nos ônibus noturnos para os subúrbios.

 Ela mora em um local distante que abre caminho através de nosso mundo. Ela mora no passado e é convocada por nós. Ela está no presente. Ela está no futuro e caminha de volta no tempo para nos encontrar agora.

 Mulher selvagem sussurra as palavras e os caminhos para nós, e nós a seguimos. Ela corre à nossa frente, mas para e espera para ver se nós a estamos alcançando. Ela tem muitas coisas para nos mostrar.

 Quer você possua um coração simples ou ambicioso, quer você esteja tentando alcançar o grande sucesso ou apenas atingir o dia de amanhã, a natureza selvagem pertence a você.

 Não seja uma tola. Volte e fique sob aquela flor vermelha e caminhe, direto em frente para superar a última milha mais difícil. Escale até a caverna, rasteje através da janela de um sonho, examine o deserto e veja o que você encontra. É o único trabalho que temos que fazer.

 Sem nós, a mulher selvagem morre. Sem a mulher selvagem, nós morremos. Para a verdadeira vida, ambos devemos viver.

 O instinto maternal em cada um de nós é a Medicina do Lobo. Pois o Lobo é uma progenitora, e um progenitor. De forma simplificada, isto significa que o lobo detém a energia paternal e maternal em sua vibração. Esta é a verdadeira Medicina do Lobo. A Medicina do Lobo com a qual uma mulher caminha, que ela chama de intuição, é o Lobo amigo dela. No antigo caminho, o lobo amigo era conhecido por vir ao vilarejo proteger as crianças.
 Esta energia do lobo amigo vem do sobrenatural. É a parte sobrenatural da mulher que sabe como alterar seu amor, sua intenção, e suas habilidades de criação para a forma do Lobo. Assim, ela vem ao vilarejo na forma de uma Loba, para proteger as crianças e os mais velhos carentes.

 The Soul of the Indian
 Dr Charles Alexander Eastman, 1911
 born Ohiyesa of the Santee Sioux, in 1858

09 setembro 2012

Mulheres em Círculo

”Quando as mulheres se reúnem e fazem um compromisso umas com as outras para estar em um círculo, com um propósito espiritual, NO SENTIDO DE UNIÃO DE SUAS ALMAS, elas estão criando um vaso de cura e transformação de si mesmas, e sendo veículo para a mudança em seu mundo.
Estes são os círculos de compaixão que podem tornar-se incubadoras de mudanças políticas, sociais e pessoais. Um círculo igualitários com um centro sagrado é um modelo mais facilmente criado por mulheres, mas é uma forma não limitada às mulheres. Círculos com um centro sagrado são o meio pelo qual uma terceira onda do feminismo, com base na igualdade espiritual e compaixão, podem provocar uma mudança evolutiva na sociedade humana, que acabaria com a violência e o terrorismo, promovendo condições para um mundo que seja seguro para as crianças e para nós mulheres.
Em um mundo onde o exercício do poder é o que importa, as crianças do sexo feminino não são importantes e os meninos são ensinados a dominar uns aos outros, aprendem a prática da dominação através do ridículo, de meios físicos, de intimidação a fim de serem respeitados. São meninos que se transformarão em homens e que entenderão que o poder é um antídoto para o medo e a humilhação. Isto é como o patriarcado socializa seus meninos e homens e os torna violentos.
Um círculo de mulheres que confiam umas nas outras torna-se um santuário para as participantes, especialmente quando as mulheres são capazes de falar de experiências nas quais ela foram abusadas, humilhadas ou testemunharam algum tipo de violência. Um lugar seguro para dizer a verdade, é um espaço de cura: uma pessoa abusada emocionalmente tem uma dupla ferida: a dor do que foi feito com ela e a dor da vergonha. Na psique de cada mulher abusada ou violentada além da vergonha existe um sentimento de indignidade e rejeição. Toda vez que uma mulher adquire a coragem de falar e se mostrar segura, a confiança cresce e sua psique gradualmente se cura.
Um círculo é um lugar seguro também para expressar a esperança, as intuições, a tristeza e a raiva, que são parte de todo processo terapêutico. A intenção de estar em um círculo com um centro espiritual convida o mundo invisível do espírito ou da alma para estar no centro do círculo e no centro da psique de cada pessoa no círculo. Por meio do silêncio meditativo ou de oração silenciosa, sabedoria e paz podem entrar. Nos Círculos as mulheres podem dizer em voz alta o que passa em seus corações e mentes ao mesmo tempo que têm a capacidade de ouvir com compaixão.
Círculos evocam um sentimento de irmandade e também um sentimento de estar em um espaço materno arquetípico. Reviver o arquétipo da irmã e o arquétipo da mãe é possível para a maioria das mulheres (mas não todas, porque estes não são os arquétipos ativos em algumas mulheres) para se identificar com outras mulheres. É a capacidade de sentir uma ligação empática que torna as mulheres capazes de imaginar o que seria estar em ambos os lados da divisão israelense-palestino, ou ser uma mulher sob o regime Taliban ou uma criança abandonada e vulnerável. É um ponto de vista que não vê a guerra como algo a ser vencido, mas como uma causa de morte e sofrimento para todos, inocentes, especialmente mulheres e crianças. Um soldado é ensinado a matar, que é também o que um terrorista é ensinado e estas não são lições que as mulheres querem que seus filhos aprendam.
Os círculos são os meios pelos quais as mulheres têm melhorado a situação para as mulheres. Nos Estados Unidos, o movimento começou em meados do século XIX, com um círculo de cinco amigas. Encontraram resistência por parte de autoridade masculina. Este movimento resultou no direito das mulheres ao voto, à propriedade e aos seus próprios salários. O avanço seguinte veio através do movimento de mulheres a partir da conscientização e da formação de outros grupos de mulheres que resolveram trabalhar efetivamente juntas. Elas fizeram reivindicações e romperam a resistência à mudança por meios pacíficos.
O Movimento de mulheres é uma rede invisível de amizade entre mulheres e existe graças à capacidade das mulheres de se relacionarem umas com as outras por meio da conversa e, em seguida, ter uma influência sobre os homens e as instituições.

Mulheres em círculos trazem consciência do que precisa ser mudado na sociedade.

O poder invisível dos círculos de mulheres é extraordinário: Auto-estima, realizações, desenvolvimento de talentos. Tudo isso tem a ver com o fato de que somos ouvidas e valorizadas, amadas por nós mesmas, incentivadas e apoiadas. Quando há apoio psicológico e prático para fazer uma mudança significativa, a mudança é mais provável de acontecer. Quando os outros acreditam em nós ou tem a mesma perspectiva que temos isso gera um efeito poderoso e invisível.

Em círculos, tornamo-nos modelos umas para as outras, o que a outra fez ou está fazendo torna-se possível para nós!"

Jean Shinoda Bolen

08 setembro 2012

Oração da Mulher Sagrada

"Sagrada Força Feminina te saúdo e sinto tua presença se manifestando em meu Ser
Através de meus pensamentos, palavras e ações
Deixo que a Divina Presença da Mãe Cósmica me oriente com sua infinita sabedoria
Ela está chegando, sinto sua Dança!
Ela está falando, ouço sua canção de Amor!
Ela está dentro e fora nas coisas mais simples e por isso perfeitas
E seu templo sagrado é meu corpo de Mulher
Seu pensamento agora é meu pensamento
E só penso em Amor,
Só sinto Amor
E só vejo Amor
O mundo que percebo é fruto da minha percepção de Amor
E assim crio a minha realidade
Abençôo meu dia e honro minha Deusa de mil nomes
E assim crio a magia que me ilumina e protege
Saúdo a noite e honro minha Mãe Lua, suas sagradas fases comandam meu corpo de mulher
E assim me preservo saudável e com meus ciclos femininos em perfeita harmonia.
Saúdo a Incognoscível, e assim honro e preservo meu poder oculto.
Saúdo as Forças da Natureza para que a Mãe Terra me proteja
E me oriente no Norte, no Sul, no Leste e no Oeste.
Honro a terra onde piso, a água que bebo e o meu alimento,
Pois sei que tudo que fizer a esta Terra voltará para mim e para meus descendentes.
E assim me conecto ao coração de Gaia e a sua proteção maternal.
A Deusa cuida do meu corpo e da minha alma
E assim estou em perfeita sincronia com o Universo
Do meu coração fluem seus ensinamentos, suas palavras de sabedoria e sua força infinita
E assim realizo minha divindade humana
Em minha alma o Sagrado Feminino e o Sagrado Masculino se uniram em Amor e Êxtase
E assim descobri o equilíbrio onde o ser humano deve estar
Todo o Amor que nutre minha existência vem da Fonte Divina
Por isso não preciso que nenhum ser humano o faça por mim
A Deusa abençoa meu corpo com seus sagrados encantos
E assim a beleza da minha Alma se reflete em meu corpo feminino
Da minha mente fluem os pensamentos e a criatividade
Que fazem minha existência ser especial e singular
E assim realizo minha vocação maior
Preservo meu coração limpo e leve como uma pena
E assim me permito ser livre e feliz para sempre
E que Assim Seja,
Porque Assim é"

Por: Recanto das Bruxas

16 junho 2012


~ A man who understands women? ~ Refreshing ~

“Men are terrified of a woman’s depth of love and the energy that moves as a woman’s sexuality and emotions.

And.. at the same time.. men want nothing more in this life than to merge completely with a woman’s devotional love and wild energy.

Only as a man outgrows his fear can he handle a woman’s tremendous love-energy without running.

And only such a man is worthy of your devotional offering in a committed intimacy.” ~ David Deida

Source ~ Heidi Schwab at http://​www.halecollege.com/​wild-energy/

Time to Rise together as One!

For any men who are having a hard time with the influx of the Divine Feminine and Venus energy, or who are still holding on to the old Ego conditioning of control and dominance - you can rest assured that it is not about Women taking over, it is about Union, the Heart, and restoring her position, as she brings balance, justice, transformation, nurturing, wisdom and intuition to our Earthly experience.

This force is what awakens the Divine Masculine, who can feel safe to let that old paradigm programing go, because he knows that without her being in her true position of power, we will not be able to survive. He also knows that she exists within him, as he exists within her.

He is not threatened by her power - because they are a team. As she inspires him, he impregnates her ethereally with the vision of a peaceful world, that gets anchored by their Alchemical union, planting seeds in the depths of darkness to create new realities, purifying the Mother Womb into the Creative Cauldron of Regeneration, as the power of their intention and devotion, kicks out all those who inhabit her realms, those who steal energy and rob souls, to feed their dark agendas.

It restores the divine templates and inner divine blueprint, bringing all creatures, beings and elements into a conscious knowing breath of Oneness. IT re-awakens the true Cosmic Dance that doesn't need to struggle with power games, but instead truly honors the beauty of their movements together, as it acts as force-field of light and protection around all those who choose to know this within.

IT repairs the divorce, the separation, the corrupted gender roles that exploit the body and all that is Sacred, damaging self-worth, integrity, access to higher consciousness and the ability to initiate oneself organically into a place of self-acceptance, integrity, honor and co-creation with Gaia and Cosmic Forces...

So Men, do not feel threatened by the energies that are increasing and expanding ~ and Women - don't fear your power because you remember being persecuted or killed in the past. Lets truly love and respect one another. This is our time to Rise together as One!


"A woman's highest calling is to lead a man to his soul, so as to unite him with Source. Her lowest calling is to seduce, separating man from his soul and leave him aimlessly wandering.
A man's highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to walk the earth unharmed. Man's lowest calling is to ambush and force his way into the life of a woman."

- Cherokee Proverb


"When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow." ♥

~Hopi prophecy


The Ceremony of Original Innocence
- 12 Foundation Circuits

The Full Version of this Video in HD can be bought from our website thetemplate.org

As a result of the genetic modification of the Human DNA, almost all of our foundation circuits are in a state of disconnection, creating a distorted sense of self that has led to fear, shame, guilt and disease.

The disruption of the bio-circuitry relating to our primal resonant relationships with our mothers and fathers affects our ability to engage unconditionally in relationships. However, it is no longer necessary or ultimately effective to engage in lengthy post-mortems of childhood, casting ourselves into the trauma-vortex of past tragedies and injustices, reinforcing identities anchored in disempowering scenarios. By reconnecting the vital circuits that relate to conception, gestation, birth and childhood, healing is integrated on the DNA level.

The Ceremony of Original Innocence takes us back to our first choice, prior to our first breath, reminding us of our true identity - creators rather than victims.

The key to this shift in perception is forgiveness, the bedrock of the shamanic journey. To embrace forgiveness is to embody the living mandala of love, upon which is based the fundamental Human ethic, acknowledging your “response-ability” within the interconnectedness of all creation.

Although it is possible to be born with the Water Circuits connected they are almost always disrupted by guilt, regret and anger. Reconnecting these circuits clears these negative emotions, liberating relationships from destructive patterns.

The reconnection of the Thymus Circuit activates the T-cells of the immune system. This has a powerful effect on health.

With the reconnection of the Air Circuits, the pineal-hypothalamus-pituitary complex is revitalised, as the pineal is now enabled to receive the full spectrum of the geometric language of light.

Heart Chacra

The Heart Chakra is the Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of time...ZERO POINT

The 4th Chakra is where we create Unconditional LOVE with the primary color of Green and also Pink. This is our healing center and where we can manifest through the Law of Attraction (LOA) beyond any concepts of duality that is typically created when we attempt to manifest through the mind instead of the Heart.

Color - green, pink - Sanskrit Name - Anahata - Physical Location - center of chest - Purposes - emotional empowerment - Spiritual Lesson - forgiveness, unconditional love, compassion - Mental and Emotional Issues - confidence, inspiration, hope, despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy, anger, generosity - Area of Body Governed - heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands.

 Physical Heart Chakra Stimulation - Cardiovascular exercises, push ups, swimming (breast stroke), and hugging yourself 


Mnemosyne means 'memory'. Remembrance is this Goddess's gift to us, memories of all the wonderful moments of our lives. In Greek tradition, Mnemosyne also gave birth to the Muses today - the nice creative spirit children that give our lives so much beauty: song, stories, tradition, humor, dance and sacred music. Greeks sometimes worshipped Mnemosyne in the form of a spring, alluding to her profuse, flowing energy.

The Goddess Mnemosyne is sometimes credited with being the first philosopher, Her gift the power of reason. She was given responsibility for the naming of all objects, and by doing so gave humans the means to dialog and to converse with each other. The powers to place things in memory and that of remembrance were also attributed to this Goddess.

Make no mistake about this. Memory was of the utmost importance at the time of Mnemosyne. Long before the invention of the alphabet and the written word, it was critical to the well-being of an individual or a society who had to rely solely on the lessons passed on in an oral history.

Besides, we're not talking about memorizing shopping lists or the times tables here. The memory of Mnemosyne was much more than that -- it was the memory of the rules and energies of the universe, the cycle of life, the memory of how to live in the world.

The ancients believed that when one died and crossed into the Underworld one would be given a choice . . . whether to drink from the river Lethe where you would forget all the pains and terrors of your previous life (and with them, the lessons they brought), or whether to drink from the Mnemosyne, the spring of memory.

Those who chose to forget had to be reborn, to return to earth to learn the lessons they needed. Those who had chosen to remember were admitted to the Elysian Fields where they would spend eternity in comfort and peace.

The esteem in which the memory was held was made clear in the initiation rites of the ancient gnostics, who were required to consult with an oracle.

Before being brought to the oracle, initiates were taken to a place with two pools lying next to each other. They were instructed to first drink from the pool of Lethe, the Goddess of forgetfulness, in order that they might forget their previous lives. Then they were taken to the spring of Mnemosyne to drink so that they would remember all that they were about to learn from the oracle.

The initiate would then be 'buried alive' (i.e., placed in seclusion) for a few days in the 'tomb' of the earth god, Trophonios to await the arrival of the oracle. If the initiate had been properly prepared and was found worthy, the mysteries of life would be told to him by the oracle. And when he was brought back into the realm of the living, the priests would set him upon a special seat, called the Throne of Mnemosyne. While seated there, he would remember and tell all that he had learned below.

Moon Lodge

For many generations First Nations women had their own lodges, societies, and ceremonies. These women are celebrating the erection of the sacred moon lodge. The moon lodge was a place where women on their moon time retreated to pray and connect with their feminine gifts of sisterhood. The grandmothers would make sure all women had this time to say prayers, rebalance, and receive inner guidance. Through the reconnection with the life blood of creation women came out renewed and ready to better fulfill their roles as aunties, sisters, mothers, and partners. It was believed that the moon lodge was a vital part of the family, community, and nation.

Artist Leah Marie Dorion is a Metis artist raised in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan 'Dancing Women', 2007, Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Expanding Awareness


Serpent feathers

"Look into the mirror, let Love unfold your Heart
For all this is the Beauty within you, and the Breath of a free Soul singing...."


FLOURISH with Feminine Power

7 ways your life can FLOURISH with Feminine Power:

1) Awaken to Your Life Purpose
Women are here for something big. Imagine using your gifts and talents in new unprecedented ways which allow you to make an even bigger impact on your family, community, and world. When your life purpose opens up to you, like the North Star on a clear night, it guides your every step. This is the promise of fully accessing your Feminine Power.

2) Attract More Prosperity & Abundance
When you invoke the natural creative force of Feminine Power, you break free from limiting beliefs around money. You are finally able to invite more freedom into your life. This kind of freedom drives your innovation so you attract even more abundance.
When you're empowered, you're able to take risks you never would have before. Doors of opportunity swing open so you can spend more time with your loved ones, visit faraway places you've only seen pictures of, and experience adventures that you've only imagined.

3) Find a Career That Matches Your Passion
Generate your capacity to create a career that truly matches your gifts. Perhaps you have a desire to devote your time to something completely different from what you're doing now but didn't know how to start. Picture liberating yourself and discovering a career of your dreams that sustains you in joyful support and love. Allow the possibility of being seen and fulfilled in in the world.

4) Improve Your Health & Well-Being
Feminine Power allows you to give to yourself first, without it feeling selfish. You then can give to others more fully. When you learn how to track what's happening in your body, you're able to experience all of life around you more profoundly than you ever before thought possible.

5) Unlock Your Creativity
Women are naturally creative vessels, but often these gifts are unexpressed and shut down. Yet your authentic self yearns to be free. Feminine Power is the same co-creative force within you that created the Universe. It's bubbling and brewing inside of you. It wants to come alive.
When you are deeply connected to your own creative self-expression, your life becomes joyful, fertile, and exciting. Your energy flows in every aspect of your life.

6) Enjoy More Satisfying Love & Supportive Relationships
Whether you're single or in partnership, when you have Feminine Power on your side you are able to be authentic in all aspects of your life. You exude natural confidence and inner beauty. Your demeanor is warm and inviting. This opening of your heart also allows you to strengthen and heal both friendships & romantic relationships in ways that serve you rather than tear you down. When you bring your Feminine Power forward you flourish, leaving a positive imprint directly on yourself, your loved ones, and the collective conscious. When you have Feminine Power tools, you can effortlessly create deeper, satisfying, and authentic connections with minimal conflict and stress.

7) Be Supported by A Worldwide Sisterhood
We women need connection and support in a new way. It's not enough anymore to cheer one another on from the sidelines. Feminine Power is about a deeper level of standing with and for each other's personal transformations. The more women connect to be present to their own personal breakthroughs while supporting one another, the more the entire planet evolves to deeper consciousness. Be a link in the safe sisterhood of other like-minded women to share experiences, world views, and contributions. Embrace the peaceful energy and happier environments that bloom as a result of activating your Feminine Power


15 junho 2012


“Meu coração de mulher é orvalhado
com o doce néctar da sanação
que a Mãe Cósmica entrega-me.
Neste momento sou parte do Círculo Sagrado
de mulheres de Luz, e junto com as minhas irmãs, activo a minha força
espiritual para irradiar energia amorosa através das minhas mãos e
a minha consciência.
Peço-te Mãe Cósmica que abençoes as minhas mãos e as mãos das minhas
irmãs em todo o mundo para poder canalizar aqui e agora a tua
Luz que cura a Mãe Terra.
Peço-te Mãe Divina que faças de nós um instrumento da tua paz.
Peço-te Mãe Divina que faças de nós um instrumento da tua Luz.
Peço-te Mãe Divina que faças de nós um instrumento do teu Amor.
Ajuda-nos a despertar como Mulheres Sagradas, guerreiras do Amor, defensoras da Vida.
Acompanhada pela força espiritual de todas as minhas irmãs
envolvo a Terra numa serena Luz Rosada,
enchendo de vibração amorosa cada canto de este planeta.
O poder gestante do meu útero une-se ao poder gestante dos
úteros das minhas irmãs, e entre todas formamos um círculo
sagrado de protecção para a Mãe Terra.
Estando juntas e conscientes do nosso poder feminino
unificado, nosso Amor é uma arma concreta, mais poderosa que
qualquer arma de guerra.
Abro, nas minhas circunstâncias actuais, canais para a Graça Divina.
Comprometo-me a Ser Guardiã da Mãe Natureza amando e
cuidando todo o que a Deusa criou na Terra.
Comprometo-me a manter viva esta oração dia após dia,
fortalecendo o Círculo de Mulheres de Luz.
Através dos meus actos quotidianos comprometo-me a
semear Amor na Terra.”

Autora anônima (/fonte: Circulo Mundial Mulheres para a Sanação de Gaia)

07 junho 2012

Basic Decoding of The Seven Chakras

Understanding the chakra meanings can help you to target and clear an imbalance. Use the following overview of each of the seven chakras and their original Sanskrit translations to recognize whether or not you’re being affected by negative energy at one of your chakra centers.

chakras definition
The Root Chakra
Muladhara: the Foundation
Your first chakra grounds you to your earthly experience and energizes your fundamental needs and survival instincts. Your physical self represents your most basic existence –it is truly your foundation. When your body’s needs aren’t met you cannot fulfill higher order needs pertaining to self-awareness and self-actualization.

Color: Red
Element: Earth
Position: Base of the spine
Relates to:Finances, weight, food issues generational patterns, birth issues

chakras definition
The Sacral Chakra
Swadisthana: One’s Own Place
Energy from the sacral chakra relates to your own personal creativity. It is the quintessential “you-ness” underlying everything you do. Housed within this energy center is your ability to feel like a unique person – the expression of your inner self. The second chakra helps you to gain pleasure from the unique things that only you like to do.

Color: Orange
Element: Water
Position: Pelvic bone
Relates to:Creativity, sensuality and sexuality, experience of pleasure, freedom from guilt

chakras definition
The Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura: Lustrous Gem
Your image of yourself as a person is sourced from this chakra center. As your body’s fourth chakra, the solar plexus relates to your own ability to “shine” with confidence in your own abilities. Your self-esteem, your ego, and your sense of personal power are driven by the energy within this center.

Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Position: Above the navel
Relates to:Ego, will, personal power, sense of confidence, self-image

chakras definition
The Heart Chakra
Anahata: Unstruck Sound
Your own unstruck sound is the potential you have within yourself to express and share love and compassion with others. All of your relationships are connected to the energy coming from this source. The way you interact with others represents your capacity to use this energy to affect others.

Color: Green
Element: Air
Position: Center of the chest
Relates to:Social relationships, emotional health, sense of compassion, touch

chakras definition
The Throat Chakra
Vishuddha: Pure Place
The fifth chakra is your mouthpiece for self-expression. The thoughts, desires, and dreams you carry within yourself are delivered to the world through this milieu. It is your “pure place” that allows you to express what you truly desire to others.

Color: Blue
Element: Sound
Position: Hollow of the throat
Relates to:Self-expression, communication of innermost truth, ability to listen

chakras definition
The Third Eye Chakra
Asana: to Perceive or Command
Energy from the third eye chakra drives your ability to use your own intuition. It is your individualized perception of reality and your capacity for manifesting or commanding the future. Many people progress through life without a basic understanding that their energy can help them to will what they want into existence.

Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Position: Between the brows
Relates to:Intuitive ability, psychic powers, self-reflection, ability to trust oneself

chakras definition
The Crown Chakra
Sahasrara: The Thousand-Petalled Lotus Flower
Your spirituality is likened to a lotus flower with one thousand petals; this is a sacred symbol in eastern religious traditions. The crown chakra is an infinite source of energy pertaining to your cosmic connection and your belief in an overarching, all-knowing divine presence.

Color: Purple
Element: Thought
Position: Top of the head
Relates to:Spirituality, divine connection, existential beliefs, connection to the universe

As you begin to understand the chakra meanings, you gain a better awareness of exactly how to go about achieving healing. Once you know where your energetic disturbance lies, you can proceed to clearing that particular center and moving forward with your life. Finding out if you have an imbalance is the first thing you can do to take charge of your future.

Fonte: http://www.chakrahealing.com/articles/7-chakras/chakra-meanings/